Rabu, 29 Mei 2013


                Hello everybody, nice to meet you in my fourth article, my fourth theme is about Child labor in Indonesia. As we know that some of child in Indonesia don’t go to school for study, because they’re beggar or work for their family. So I want to tell you about child labor in Indonesia
                First thing that come to my mind is the child labor violates the human rights. Because I know that child is need to school for socialization, intelligence, etc. They also need to play with their friends, need to be close with their parents, they need motivation for school, they need all of that to be success in their future. They can be someone who can change this country to be better, but unfortunately they can’t, because some of them have some bad habits in their neighborhood, and that thing will make the other child become brutal.
                Another thing that is bothering my mind is they will be suffering, because they didn’t have some power to work as the usual worker. All of us know that they are still child; they need to grow as well us who study at school and can be happy with family. They need to be free; they need to be happy like us.
                Environments also violate the child labor, because that is breaking the UUD rules. Environments also doing the inspection in some place where having child to work. The child labor is also environments problem that need to be eliminate.

So please stop the child labor, the world will be better if all of us can be happy, and there is no someone who suffering. We must save them from suffering. I hope there will be not a child labor again in the world. That’s all my opinion about the child labor, see you next time

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